четверг, 9 октября 2014 г.

On Being STILL

On Being STILL

One of the best things of having a public forum, and a captive audience (thank you, dear reader!) is that I have the opportunity to share something or someone that might be completely new to you.

Someone you might already be familiar with (if not, get over to her site right now!) is Mary Jo Hoffman, the St. Paul-based artist behind STILL. STILL is a blog post featuring one image daily, of gathered natural objects found near Mary Jo. People do this all the time Kate, it’s called Instagram. Sure, but nothing like this. Mary Jo has been filling STILL with a single, masterfully composed, beautifully shot image every day since January 1, 2012. I’m a pretty regular IG-er, and I don’t have this much discipline.

Discipline aside, what I really admire about her blog, is the philosophy behind it:

Still blog is a place to stop. A place to look at one thing at a time. A place to be still.

Mary Jo has been featured in Martha Stewart, design*sponge and most recently, been involved in two significant product launches. On February 18th, Target Online rolled out a new line of soft goods featuring STILL blog images. And on February 16th, West Elm launched a collection of acrylic wall hangings, featuring STILL images. GO MARY JO!

I’m so very excited for this amazing opportunity for Mary Jo and I wish her all the best!

Editor’s Note: typically this is the place where I inform you that I recieved product in exchange for a post. Not the case this time. Just wanted to share with you that I’ve known Mary Jo for about a year now, through the art community here in the Twin Cities. I also had the pleasure of having her daughter, Eva Hoffman, work with the team at Wit & Delight last summer. Hi, Eva!

Images: 2nd Truth

Original article and pictures take witanddelight.com site

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